Cindy Lovelace

Inspirational Novel

“I’ve read THE FINAL ViCTORY written by Roger Jones and believe this inspirational novel would offer an additional and unique tool to educate both physicians and patients.”

Cindy Lovelace, Co-Founder, Healing NET Foundation
Eric Lui MD

Story of Surviving and Living

One man tells his story of surviving and living. It is the story of thousands of people. It is an example to us all. As a physician, I thank Roger Jones for sharing awareness of Neuroendocrine cancer. As a human, I thank him for allowing me to experience the power of hope, teamwork, and love.

Eric Liu, MD, Internationally recognized surgeon specializing in neuroendocrine tumors.Co-Director, Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers and The Neuroendocrine Institute.
Don McKenzie

The Magic That Roger Jones Captures

“THE FINAL VICTORY brilliantly demonstrates that women recovering from breast cancer can lead full and active lives — paddle for sure, but also pick up and hug their grandchildren. Dragon boating challenges the limits of human performance, especially for those with more than their share of hurdles to clear. That’s the magic that Roger Jones captures, and that’s why THE FINAL VICTORY is a great book.”

Dr. Don McKenzie, Founder of the original Breast Cancer Dragon Boat team